Discovery – Week 2

Discovery – Week 2

Week 2 – How do I share my faith?

Telling other about Jesus is intimidating. So why are we starting here? Because for us to explain the gospel to someone who doesn’t know about Jesus, the gospel needs to make sense to us.

Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith. We must start with the foundations, or else everything we build is in vain.


There a many distinctive styles of evangelism depending on your personality and the context. It is good to have one method that you are familiar with, so that you are always prepared when God gives you a surprise occasion to share the gospel.

The Bridge

This is a simple and memorable way to share the gospel:

One-Verse Evangelism

Memorize one verse and let it explain the gospel for you. It pairs really well with “the bridge” illustration.

The “Three-Minute” Testimony

This is a wonderful way to make the gospel personal. Many people are persuaded by strong emotional connections. If God has changed your life in a big way, let people hear about it.

Bracelets and Bibles

This method from Time to Revive Ministries is a full presentation of the gospel. It uses color coded bracelets and Bible. By praying with strangers, we can open opportunities to share the Bible with them.


If you want to hear lots of amazing examples of evangelism, check out the “Witness Wednesdays” on Wretched Radio. (Their other content is also fantastic)