Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Sunday Worship Services

Sunday Morning 10:30 am – Worship: Join us in the sanctuary for singing, prayer and study of God’s word. Stay for a time of fellowship after the service in the Fellowship Hall! Sunday Evening 5:30 pm – Worship in the Word: Our evening gathering is different from our morning service, as we gather in a more casual setting and study God’s Word…

Coffee Break

Coffee Break is small group Bible discovery for evangelism and discipleship. The name “Coffee Break” expresses the relaxed and conversational small group atmosphere. In a Coffee Break group, participants discover for themselves and with others what the Bible says and means. The conversations and study guides are appropriate for all levels of Biblical knowledge and faith…

Ladies Lunch & Learn – May

All ladies are invited to come spend a few hours every month learning about God’s word, and enjoy fellowship in our sisters in Christ.  There’s always a fun activity planned… some past events include learning how to create a charcuterie board for entertaining during the holidays and tying fleece blankets to donate to Domestic Violence Services.  Lunch is provided and is…

Quilter’s Club

This fun group gathers together to make quilts to donate to Christmas House and also prayer quilts for those in need of a little warmth.  Don’t know how to sew?  There’s a job for everyone who comes to Quilter’s Club.  Come and join in the fun!