Past Events (Page 2)

Past Events (Page 2)

GEMS and Cadets Kick-off Night

Starting at 7:00 PM, there will be hot dogs, s’mores and beverages.  Please bring a side dish if you are able.  For more information, please talk to Dan Davelaar.

Quilter’s Club

This fun group gathers together to make quilts to donate to Christmas House and also prayer quilts for those in need of a little warmth.  Don’t know how to sew?  There’s a job for everyone who comes to Quilter’s Club.  Come and join in the fun!

NO Evening Worship Today

Because we will be having a church potluck after the morning service, there will be no evening service today.  There will be a short message after the potluck.

Church Bingo Night

If you signed up at church to play Bingo, we will see you in the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 pm for dinner and games afterward!

Domestic Violence Services Gift Drop 2023

First Christian Reformed Church of Everett is collecting items for those in need during this Christmas season and will be open for those who wish to drop off those items. We will be open on Saturdays, November 25 and December 2 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm to receive donations.  Our deacons will deliver gifts to Domestic Violence Services by December 9.  Our church is located…