Please join us for our Good Friday Service on April 18 at 7:00 PM and our Easter Morning Service on April 20 at 10:30 AM!
What to Expect

What to Expect

Music: Our worship is a dialogue between God and His people in which God speaks to us and we respond gratefully through song and prayer. We have a traditionally Reformed order of worship consisting of opening songs of praise and adoration, a time of confession and assurance, and a central focus on hearing God’s Word. We sing both traditional hymns and contemporary songs that coordinate with each segment of the worship service.

Dress: Varied – we don’t have a dress code so wear what is comfortable.  You will see people dressed in everything from shorts to jeans to suits.

Child Care: A nursery is available for young children.  We encourage parents to let their children worship with us as soon as they are able. The best way to teach our kids to love worship is to let them see us love worship!
